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Central Amherst Little League Facilities

480 Wehrle Drive
Amherst, NY 14226

Directions to Central Amherst Little League

The Central Amherst Little League complex is located at 450 Wehrle Drive in Amherst, right next to Amherst's big blue water tower.

The complex includes 6 diamonds, snack stand, restroom facility, and batting cage.

From the North

I-290 to Main Street East. Right on S. Forest (second traffic light after exit). Right on to Wehrle Drive (first traffic light). Fields are on your right after I-290 viaduct.

From the South and/or West

From I-90, exit at Cleveland Drive exit. Take a right at traffic light. Left on Beach (first traffic light). Left onto Wehrle Drive (first traffic light). Fields are on your right after I-290 viaduct.

From the East

Take I-90 through Williamsville toll booths. Merge right onto I-290. Take first Main Street exit (east). Proceed to second traffic light. Take a right onto S. Forest. Right on Wehrle Drive (first traffic light). Fields are on your right after I-290 viaduct.

Snack Stand

The Central Amherst Snack Stand sells food and beverages on game days. The stand is managed by a team of volunteers and staffed by parents. Each team is assigned two or three shifts to cover during the course of the season and parents find it a nice way to volunteer with the league and interact with other parents and players.

Club House

The Town of Amherst, Erie County and Central Amherst Little League (CALL) officials, players and families joined together on Saturday, June 25, 2022 to dedicate the new clubhouse, including fully ADA-compliant, handicapped accessible restrooms. The dedication ceremony included remarks from CALL President Chris Schiller, CALL Board Member - Grounds & Special Projects Vince Polino, Amherst Town Board Member and CALL T-Ball Coach Shawn Lavin, Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz and Erie County Legislator Jeanne Vinal.
Press Release - CALL Dedication

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